Nature Writing

Winter in March in Boulder


It’s a Friday afternoon in mid-March. All of my week-time obligations are done. After my last client, I came up here, to the NCAR trailhead parking lot to, to sit and look at pretty things. And to hopefully read some or write some.

We’re supposed to get hit by a nasty snowstorm this weekend. There’s talk of three feet of snow and impossible travel. I’ve been waiting for it all week long, and it should start tonight.

Based on the sky, it looks like it could start anytime, really.

This parking lot, and accompanying trailheads, sits above the city of Boulder and looks out over it, to the east. To the west, looking up about 8,000 feet, are Bear Peak and Green Mountain.

Clouds are rolling in. Surrounding the peaks, falling into canyons and hanging off the flatirons; making monochrome of everything. The evergreens’ needles are frosted. Bright snow fills the spaces between things; between the trees, between the rocks, highlighting crevice and crack.

The weather gathers lethargically. Building up pressure, waiting for this cloud damn in the skyline to rip open and bury us in heavy March snow.

NCAR, WinterNicole