General Blog
The Nicole Bush Media Blog
This is a blog of random things—thoughts, ideas, reactions, failures, overhearings, photos, half-assed reasearchings, jokes, projects… Pieces/posts may not be well-reported, brilliantly structured or formally written.
If you’re looking for higher quality written content, visit my writing page at

Nicole Bush (me) looking strange in a Michigan basement in 2018 experimenting with self-portraits and flash photography.
Categories: illustration | photography | writing | pandemic art
A morning walk in Downtown Boulder, Colorado.
on a walk in the Boulder foothills.
Earlier this week, my friend Sarah mentioned needing new headshots. “Let me know if you know anyone in Lansing…” she said. Normally I’d be her go-to. But I’m a Colorado-based photographer and she’s in Michigan.
But, I had an idea…
I’ve loved taking photos as far back as I can remember. I had my own cameras when I was a kid—when 110mm film was still normal. And when I didn’t have my own camera, my grandparents, for who knows what insane reasons, allowed me to blow through rolls of film on their cameras. And would develop them all for me!!! This is all to say…
More hand-drawn things, listening to David Epstein - Range: Why Generalists Triumph in a Specialized World, colored digitally
More hand-drawn things, listening to nothing, colored digitally to Red Hot Chili Peppers - Blood Sugar Sex Magik
More hand-drawn things, listening and dancing to Beyoncé, colored digitally
More hand-drawn things, listening to OK Computer, colored digitally
More hand-drawn things, listening to OK Computer, colored digitally
More hand-drawn things, listening to no music this time, colored digitally
More hand-drawn things, listening to no music this time, colored digitally
More hand-drawn things, while listening to music, colored digitally
Some hand-drawn things, while listening to music, colored digitally.
Just drawing a doggo in an act of procrastination.
A custom shoe design to commemorate a decade of adventures and a Q&A with its owner about the shoe and where it’s taken her.
Sunset farm fields outside Boulder, Colorado in November.
Sunrise ice photos in Nederland, Colorado in November.
A short story that explores what friendship is involving an owl.
Views from a morning hike of Green Mountain in Boulder, Colorado in June